The Holy Spirit is leading us in an exciting time of transition. The church is the people and our people faithfully lead worship and care for others.
worship teams
Our worship services are led by a strong lay team and grounded in faith. We follow a monthly worship pattern each Sunday morning (and preceding Wednesday evening) of the month.
First Sunday - a supply pastor leads worship and presides over communion. This is usually led by Pastor Betty Wyatt. Second Sunday – a lay team leads worship (no communion). Third Sunday – worship is led by a lay team with a supply pastor presiding over communion. Pastor Phil Bogan typically presides over communion. Fourth Sunday – a lay team leads worship (no communion). Fifth Sunday – a supply pastor leads worship and presides over communion. Often this is Pastor Phil Bogan.
Pastor Andrea Fluegel
I serve as a Transition Facilitator for Mt. Calvary. The purpose of a Transition Facilitator is to provide support, encouragement, and guidance to a congregation as they move forward in the transition process. I also help congregations discern where and to whom God is calling them, which could include shared ministry. Shared ministry means finding ways to share resources, staff, and pastor(s) with another congregation or multiple congregations.
I will mostly work behind-the-scenes and occasionally you will see me leading worship or at some congregational meetings. I am excited and blessed to be with you on this journey.
I am married to Erik and we have three children, two of whom are young adults and one is a junior in high school. We currently live in Eagle River, Wisconsin. I have been in ministry since 2000 in a variety of capacities, both lay staff and as an ordained pastor. I am also an ELCA Coach and Spiritual Director. I graduated from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota with a focus on congregational and mission development. My passion is walking alongside pastors and congregations. I love asking the questions, “What is God calling us to be and to do for the sake of God’s world?” and “Where do we see the Holy Spirit working in this time and place?”
Angela Baker, Finance Administrator with her children
Autumn Clermont, Confirmation Class Leader
Autumn Clermont volunteers to lead our confirmation classes. Autumn has been a member of Mt. Calvary since 2014. She has a degree in congregational ministry and youth and children ministry from Southern Seminary and she is currently working as a k-5 schools counselor.