Based on CDC guidelines we open the building to gather for in-person worship and activities. We also continue to offer online worship services.
March 10, 2022 We have some encouraging news on our COVID status. Marathon County dropped from a “High” COVID-19 community level to a “Medium” level. This means we can relax some of our COVID restrictions including wearing face masks. People can wear a face mask based on personal preference, informed by personal level of risk. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask. Please continue to respect other people’s decisions on whether or not they wear a face mask. For our kids learning programs, we are following CDC guidelines and the practice of our local school districts. Masks are not required at this point and those who prefer to wear masks are certainly encouraged to do so.
We can continue our days of gathering together safely by
following the latest public health guidance,
encouraging our members and communities to receive approved vaccines; and
continuing to expect individual and community COVID protections
until the majority of the population is vaccinated and the rates of viral transmission begin to decline substantially.
Whether we meet in the building or by other means, we continue to live out our core values to: