Our worship services focus on God's love by exploring God's Word, sharing communion, and going out to bring hope to others
WORSHIP TIMES Sunday 9 am Wednesday 6 pm
Praise Singers
We believe that God's presence is made real in the sacraments. In the Lutheran church, we believe that there are two sacraments:
Holy Communion
Baptism Baptism is a powerful connection to God. Through God's love, which we do not deserve, God claims us as a child of God and adopt us into the family of God. Often infants are baptized because this is a radical understanding of God's grace in that there is nothing that an infant, or any of us, can bring to deserve or earn our relationship with God. Having said that, we baptize people of all ages. Normally, baptism precedes the receiving of communion.
Holy Communion Holy Communion is received in the bread and wine of this sacrament. This commitment on Christ's part is done so that we may be strengthened and nourished for our daily faith journey. Since the Holy Spirit can be at work in the life of all people, all are welcome, even if they are not members of the church, to come forward and receive the gift of communion. Communion is celebrated at most worship services. We provide gluten free bread for those who require it as well as offering both wine and grape juice for any who prefer or need those elements.